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What’s Inside the Consultation Kit


Our team will analyze your business from multiple vantage points in order to develop a plan with absolute long-term viability.

Unifying Factor

Our seasoned hackers can easily explain the potential common issues that could arise in a variety of niche applications. They use common language.


At Wattlecorp , we do not frighten our customers. So that we may join them on a long journey to safety, we inform them of the truth and of what must be done.

Why Consult

Security Consulting, Now Free.

Get a 100% free cyber security consulting for your startup from professional hackers and cyber security strategists. 


Complex checklists form the foundation of our consulting procedure, which enables us to comprehend your business and its security to its core.


Our team of professional hackers and strategists can confidently describe the potential issues that could arise in your system


We are able to provide multiple viable solutions so that your brand objectives can be met without compromising.

Price factor

Completely free. 100 percent Clear.

We offer free cybersecurity consultations in Dubai for a limited time only to prevent the misuse of our consulting services. Our UAE team is eager to identify opportunities for making your application secure, and our dedication to achieving this goal is constant.

You are about to receive a free consultation worth $990.


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