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Data Protection Officer (DPO) as a Service In UAE, Dubai

Your go-to security guy for comprehensive compliance and data protection coverage

What is DPO

Being an organization obligated to various regulations might often end up in the overwhelming whirls of compliance and data security. Data Protection Officers are people in an organization who help you with being compliant with necessary protecting personal data based on regulatory demands. Even though having a Data Protection Officer is a must according to the regulatory demands, it might not always be easier to find the perfect intersection of expertise and feasibility. The Data Protection Officer as a service comes in handy and provides gains much greater than an in-house one does

data protection officer - DPO
Data Protection Officer (DPO) as a service

Benefits of DPO as a Service

Data Protection Officers help you safeguard data privacy and customer rights from being exploited by bad actors with tailored and precise security strategies, monitoring data processing activities and providing advice on compliance matters.


Also, they act as the intermediate between the data subjects and regulatory authorities towards enhancing accountability and promoting the culture of data protection within the organization. Risk management is also a key area in which the DPOs focus, in which the right measures shall be implemented to address potential cyber risks at the right time, and towards building better strategies for secure business continuity.


Let the expertise lead the way. A DPO ensures your organization is on the right track toward privacy laws and regulations.


Finding the right compliance for your organization and appointing a DPO as per compliance mandates (such as GDPR in the European Union).

Incidence response

Investigating and assessing the impact of the incident in times of data privacy-related incidents towards ensuring appropriate measures..

Privacy culture

Security resilience starts from day one. A DPO helps your organization foster an environment of security-conscious employees with a collective mindset of responsible data handling.

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Officially recommended by Hackers.

IOT Penetration testing

Protect your IoT devices from cyberattacks with our expert IoT Penetration Testing services.

ICS / SCADA Security

Safeguard your industrial control systems from cyber threats

Managed Threat Hunting

Proactively identify and neutralize threats before they cause damage.

Pro Active Threat Hunting

Uncover and neutralize hidden threats before they cause damage.

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