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Email Security Audit Services For Enterprises In UAE

Securing your electronic communication channel from the bad actors


What is Email security?

Email security refers to a set of technical and non-technical practices to be kept by both organizations and users alike towards securing and safeguarding the electronic communication channel from unintended recipients and the information being passed on. Despite both parties being in-charge of the security, the key role is played by the human since 90% of the times the threat is infected due to lack of knowledge on security practices or carelessness from them.

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Why must we ensure email security?

$4.4 million. It was the ransom paid by Colonial Pipeline to the attackers to regain their access to the system by the largest US fuel pipeline operator. This was one of the most recent and biggest cyberattacks in May 2021, which infected their system through a malicious attachment in a phishing email, which was disguised as from a legitimate vendor.

According to sources from Statista, 92% of business uses email as their internal communication channel presently which makes it one of favorite targets for cybercriminals focusing on compromising their business or system.


Make employees aware of the security practices towards cyber resilience.


Implement systems to block incoming malicious emails.


Encrypt email based on its data value and implement other security measures too.


Keep an eye on email security incidents and respond effectively in case of happening.

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