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ICS / SCADA Security Testing & Assessment Services In UAE

Securing your critical infrastructures from catastrophes

What is ICS/SCADA VAPT Service ?

Industrial Control System (ICS) and Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are used to monitor and control the critical infrastructures such as oil and gas fields, water treatment systems, power grids and transportation networks.

Due to its larger implementation and operational strength, it is the favorite target of cybercriminals, since attacking it brings much public attention due to its larger impact on the economy, both national and global. Thinking about the impact of a nuclear meltdown would make more sense while thinking about the impact of a cyberattack on the ICS/SCADA systems.

ics cyber security
ics scada security

Why should you secure your ICS/SCADA systems ?

A massive cyberattack on the ICS/SCADA systems would cost a hefty in terms of business, reputation, regulatory fines, repairing the damaged systems, etc. For example an attack on the power grid has the ability to cause a complete blackout on an entire nation, which could even cause unimaginable impacts such as disruptions in health and financial industries and to hibernate the entire nation’s presence from the global network for the specific time

Discovery and mapping

Finding and sorting all the assets in the ICS/SCADA system based on its type.

Vulnerability assessment

Finding the vulnerabilities in the system using the most advanced tools and techniques.

Penetration testing

Verifying the found vulnerabilities to find its real impact on the system.


A comprehensive and insightful report on the remediation of the vulnerabilities is shared.

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What is VAPT?

SECURE YOUR BUSINESS WITH EXPERT VAPT STRATEGIES How Secure Is Your Infrastructure? Book a Free Consultation with Wattlecorp’s Experts to identify vulnerabilities, develop a robust VAPT strategy, and safeguard your…

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