Mobile Application Security Testing

Deep testing Mobile apps to Find weaknesses and fix them before Hackers, and build safer apps.

We attack mobile apps like hackers to strengthen your security.

What we do

Deep penetration testing to find out vulnerabilities that kills your mobile apps. Mobile application security audit and assesment inside Android/iOS environment. Ensure your production ready mobile application is able to keep its data private and  secure.

NIST Standard testing that covers SANS 25 and OWASP Top 10 Risks and much more. Certified Security Experts, with global experience. Assurance of Zero False Positive, with manual testing for exploitation of vulnerabilities and complete business logic testing, binary and file-level analysis to find hard-to-discover vulnerabilities, going far deeper than a typical penetration test. Reporting for Compliance and Frameworks such as PCI,  GDPR, HIPAA, HL7, NIST,  ISO IEC 27001/ISO 27002 and many more. Tailored Security Advice and Upto 1-year Mitigation Support Service.

Don’t let security testing stop you from releasing your application on time, Continue developing the application while testing with our Level 1 Support available on online, email, phone and on major developer communications channels such as Jira, teams, slack.

Developers training on secure coding concepts to reduce the cost of continuous secure testing and vulnerability management. Monitor the progress of your applications security stance using our dashboards, to better prepare for cyber resilience and risk quantification

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Mobile Application Penetration Testing as a Service Business Benefits

We have designed our Mobile App Penetration Testing services after talking to several leading app providers from SaaS, Fintech, HealthTech and Startups and mobile app development companies. Which is why we can promise advantages beyond compliance adherence such as


Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Get expert insight on how your mobile app can be exploited

Mobile application penetration testing is one of the most common security services opted by more than 90% of our customers around the globe. Penetration testing is a process where we become real hackers and penetrate deep into the systems in order to find vulnerabilities.

Penetration testing has become one of the most fundamental requirements in cyber security services and it is highly recommended to find out loopholes, and strength of the application. Our professional team of hackers who have received appreciation from Fortune 500 brands like Bentley, Mercedes Benz, Walmart for penetrating into their systems. 

That team is now available at your disposal to deep test your systems and applications with the most effective strategies and industry standard tools.


Our hackers go in depth and think like hackers to find vulnerabilities in your system, even revealing zero day vulnerabilites. We provide in-depth manual and dynamic (run-time) analyses of mobile applications, irrespective of source-code availability, following the OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide and OWASP Mobile Application Verification Standard methodologies


We use industry standard tools and global best practices to find every loopholes. We approach each project Using same same tools and techniques as real attackers to uncover new risks. Addressing Standards such as NIST, OWASP, SANS. Our Penetration Testing Engineers are accredited and certified security experts with CREST, CEH ,OSCP credentials among others


Get a penetration testing and remediation report that's written in a language developers understand and easy to execute. Reports are often insufficient as all vulnerabilities are not fixed immediately, which is why we provide 1 :1 meetings for developers with security expert with every report , and detailed vulnerability fixing support upto a year after testing with Oncall Advice

Benefits for all Security Stakeholders

Chief Information Security Office and Security Team

Identify and mitigate risks continuously, meet compliance requirments faster, improve application delivery agility, improve collaboration with development team, reduce cost of testing without lowering quality, acheive greater control of testing program, faster turnaround, early detection and fix, continuours monitoring,

Chief Technology Office and Product Development Team

Early release detection and fix for security vulnerabilities, faster remediation, improve application delivery agility, managed risk based approach to mobile application security, easy collaboration with security testing team, fast turn around times, Advanced analytics and Live sessions instead of only static pdf reports, detailed reports and ongoing detailed documentation and lifecycle and history of vulnerabilities

Chief Executive Office and business management

Ensure Compliance to frequently changing regulatory landscape without cost overruns, protect brand reputation, preditctable cost and simple billing, reduced administrative overheads,


What do we check for when we conduct mobile application security testing?

No more space for black-hat hackers.

OWASP Top 10

Thousands of Security Tests covering assesment for NIST. SANS 25 and OWASP Top 10 Risks and many other cyber frameworks

Data Storage

Review protection of sensitive personal data such as user credentials, private information and personally identifiable information


Assessment of authentication and Review of session controls and token management. Review weak passwords policies, insecure change password functionality and extraction of data from application

Device Security

Assess mobile application interaction with the platform in secure state and in jailbreak mode.

Secure Comunication

Monitor controls such as encryption during transmitting sensitive data. Essential for PCI, HL&, HIPAA and several compliance regulation

Binary & File Management

Reviews the application binary and perform file-level analysis for identifying vulnerabilities

Source code review

Perform automated and manual secure code reviews for identifying security weaknesses in the application code.

API and Web Services

Assess the security of Web Services and security of APIs accessed by the mobile application

Grey Box Test

Simulate insider threats with minimum knowledge of the mobile app's environment. Includes escalating privileges, installing custom-crafted malware, or exfiltrating faux critical data.

White Box Test

identify potential points of weakness by using admin rights and access to server configuration files, database encryption principles, source code or architecture documentation.

Black Box Test​

simulate outsider threats having strictly limited knowledge of your mobile app and no information on the security policies,

Updates & CVEs

Check the application for missing security updates, patches and fixes

Platform Use

Architecture needs security review, we ensure that. Reviewing IDE's whether you are using IOS, Android or mobile app is native or web


Device is a one shot game, make it as secure as it gets. Assessment of authorization controls.


Find threats even before they plan to execute it to the systems. Encryption strength and enumeration

Reverse Engineering and Decompiling

360 Degree security assessment by professional hackers. Check for misconfigurations or missing core security defences such as root detection, SSL pinning and code obfuscation, hardcoded credentials or keys.

In addition to looking for vulnerabilities in the app itself, our testing also looks for issues in the back-end services that are used by the application. By focusing both on the app and its back-end services, we ensure that all aspects of the application are covered during testing. Our methodology uses Reverse Engineering, Binary and file-level analysis to find hard-to-discover vulnerabilities, going far deeper than a typical penetration test.

These security testing activities may include but are not limited to:

Steps Involved in Wattlecorp Mobile Pen Testing


Information Gathering


Information Analysis


Vulnerability Detection


Penetration Testing


Privilege escalation


Result Analysis




Security Briefing Workshop


Mitigation Support


Complementary Retesting


Summary Report

Steps Involved in Wattlecorp Mobile Pen Testing

Threat Modelling

Threat profile of the application lists all possible vulnerabilities risks and associated threats. This enables testers perform tailor made test plans to simulate how hackers could attack which identifies exposing in real risks instead of the generic vulnerabilities gathered from automated scans which and thus helps to avoid false positivies

Application Mapping

Identify the application details and map them to various aspects of threat profile created. Some parameters include (a) Key chains, brute-force attacks, parameter tampering (b) Malicious input, fuzzing (c) SQLite database password fields, configuration file encryption (d) Session IDs, time lockouts (e) Error and exception handling (f) Logs, access control to logs.

Client Side Risks

Key focus areas of client side attack simulation are
Interaction with platform
Local storage
Use of encryption
Binary & final analysis
Insecure API calls
Files with adequate access controls.
UI/UX issues
Business Logic Risks

Network Side Risks

Network layer attack simulation checks for communication channel attacks, capturing network traffic and assessing transport layer protection as data is transmitted from the application to servers.

Server Side Risks

Back-ends such as web services and API provides the application its intended functionality. Our testing team simulates attack of web services & APIs consumed by the mobile application.

Database Risks

Back-ends such as microservices and data storage, cache and memmory use and encryption use in storing data, especially authentication data and personally identifiable data and oter sensitive information

Explore our mobile application penetration testing strategy

Our Mobile Application Penetration Testing Service relies on in-depth advanced security testing methodology, analyses the inner workings of your applications and identify critical issues, exposure points, and business logic flaws. We identify application security vulnerabilities by combining automated and manual testing and removing false positives, assessing every aspect of the security of your mobile application with source-code-assisted application penetration testing that uncovers a wider range of vulnerabilities and exposures. Projects start with Assessments of the application. in the next stage, the team scans for vulnerability with automated tools and manually validates the results. Finally, the team manually identifies and exploits implementation errors and business logic. 

Mobile App Pen Test-Service  Deliverables

Detailed Report

Pen Test eport detailing specific vulnerabilities identified on the platform, how they were identified, methods and tools used to identify them and visual evidence if applicable. The report shall indicate a security vulnerability risk rating for risk reduction references.And Recomended remediation actions and how to achieve them

1:1 Workshop

Static PDf Reports are not enough as vulnerabilities are not fixed immediately. Thats why we provide a 1 on 1 workshop and a security debrief between security team and developers to ensure they understand critical and high level vulnerabilities along with guidance on remediation and countermeasures along with support for learning methods on how to avoid them in future. If required we can deliver this debrief in a face to face manner.


We offer a complementary retesting to verify remedial actions were effective and were applied correctly. And all relevant pacthes applied has been able to fix the known vulnerabilities without introducing new issues into the system.

Secure Badge

Once customer has applied the recomended remediation measures, we offer a complimentary retesting service on successful completion, we’ll provide you a summary report verifying remedial measures have been implemented. And if found to be satisfactory we provide you with a service that alerts you about new vulnerabilities for upto a year

1:1 Advice On-call

We provide advice and assistance for upto 1 year following the detailed report submission and answer any questions that arise for implementing the remediation actions recomended. This service is available on channels developers prefer such as phone, email, zoom, meet, slack, jira, teams etc.

Why Choose Wattlecorp Mobile Application Testing Program 
Budgeting for Security Testing. 

Vulnerability scanning and penetration testing are not the same. while vulnerability scan only identifies vulnerabilities, a penetration tester digs deeper to identify, then attempt to exploit those vulnerabilities to gain access to secure systems or stored sensitive data.

The average cost of a penetration test can cost anywhere from $6,000 for a small, non-complex app to more than $100,00 for a large, complex one. Which is why wattlecorp provides a range of services that are suitable for everyone from startups to enterprises without compromising on quality.

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Get a quote for your mobiel application penetration testing requirement. Or get a free evaluation before you invest in our services

Penetration Testing as a Service

Wattlecorp mobile application penetration testing as a subscription services allows you take advantage of reducing the cost of testing, whether you are a startup investing for the first time or a big enterprise trying to reduce the cost of continuous testing. Choose from onetime to unlimited manual mobile application penetration testing using onetime, monthly or annual subscription fee

Price factor
100% Free. 100% Clear.

We provide 100% free consultation for limited time period to ensure misuse of our consulting services. Our team is excited to see oppourtunities in making your application safe and our committment towards making it happen is always on. Use a this free consultation to understand your applications security needs.  We’d love to chat about your Mobile app security objectives. We welcome the chance to connect and explore opportunities to accelerate your journey to secure your mobile applications

You’re about to get $990 worth consultation for free.

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Tip • Book a consultation to get personalised recommendations. 

If you’ve a web application or a smartphone application, getting a penetration test becomes a necessity than a luxury.

Absolutely wrong. Give us a chance to prove it (wink, wink).

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360 Degree security coverage guaranteed.


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360 Annual Security Testing Program-Subscription

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