OWASP  Top 10 Privacy  Risks

Written by  Vishnu Chandra

June 13th,2024


Web Application Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities in systems handling sensitive data can lead to breaches if not properly designed, detected, or patched, including risks outlined in the OWASP Top 10.


Operator-sided Data Leakage

Failure to prevent unauthorized data leaks compromises confidentiality, whether due to malicious breaches or mistakes like poor access control, or lack of awareness.


Insufficient Data Breach Response

Failure to inform affected individuals about data breaches, fix the cause, or limit the leaks, whether intentional or accidental, exacerbates the issue.


Consent on Everything

Aggregating or misusing consent by applying it broadly rather than collecting it separately for each specific purpose is inappropriate.


Non-transparent Policies, Terms and Conditions

Failing to adequately disclose how data is collected, stored, and processed, and not making this information easily understandable .


Insufficient Deletion of Personal Data

Not efficiently or promptly deleting personal data after its intended purpose has ended or upon request constitutes a failure.


Insufficient Data Quality

Using outdated, incorrect, or fabricated user data, and neglecting to update or correct it, represents a failure in data management.


Missing or insufficient Session Expiration

Not properly enforcing session termination can lead to unauthorized collection of additional user data without their consent or awareness.


Inability of users to access and modify data

Users lack the capability to access, modify, or delete their own data stored within the system.


Collection of data not required for the user-consented purpose

Gathering descriptive, demographic, or other user-related data that is unnecessary for the system's purposes.

Explore the OWASP Top 10 Privacy Risks with our comprehensive guide, covering key threats to data privacy and effective strategies to protect against them.